
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Mighty Links

50º and 80% cloudy...a rumor of severe weather on the western horizon

Here are three mighty links from today's blog reading.

dancing girl press is having an awesome winter sale. Chapbooks normally $7, buy 5 for $20, shipping included! Chapbooks really are the bees knees in terms of bang for your buck (how's that for cliches?)! I picked three titles and asked the press to pick two more. Not sure if that will work, but I hope so. I picked: The Sad Epistles by Emma Bolden, Flood Year by Sara Tracey, and Orange Girl by Simone Muench. (I really do have to stop buying books now! Must save to pay for AWP. Just bought plane ticket and credit card gained a few pounds on that purchase!)


Over at Little Epic Against Oblivion, Josh Robbins has a link to a WONDERFUL video/poem that I plan on showing all of my classes, composition and creative writing. Check it out. Poem by Taylor Mali; video by Ronnie Bruce.


This one is over a week old, but I just found it today via The Word Cage: Mike Young, with the aid of Elisa Gabbert, posted on Moves in Contemporary Poetry over at HTMLGIANT. It's a wonderful list of current trends in poetry.


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