
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just for Kicks

52º ~ too many fast-moving clouds

Clearly, I've been playing around with the look of the blog even though there's schoolwork on my desk that needs attention. Not sure what will stick, but having fun just messing with it.

As I mentioned before, I'm in awe of those poets who take up the NaPoWriMo challenge to write a poem a day for the month of April, and with AWP in April this year, I'm even more in awe. For those interested, here's a link to 30 prompts from Kelli Russell Agodon. Good luck!

Also, don't forget to sign up for free books here (for heaven's sake, don't be shy; we're talking about FREE books!) and for a list of all participating poets, check out the sidebar on Kelli's blog.

If you'll be at AWP and want to try and meet for a meal or a drink, reach out by email (sandy dot 40 dot longhorn at gmail dot com) or find me on Facebook.


Suzanne said...

I love the new look!

wv: rawkw

Sandy Longhorn said...

S., thanks, me too! Wish I could design my own template, but I just don't have an eye for it. Love the bird silhouettes on this one.

Great wv!

Luke Johnson said...

I also dig the new look!

Sandy Longhorn said...

Thanks, L!

Anonymous said...

LOVE it! Love. It!

word ver: aledom. No lie. Ha!

Sandy Longhorn said...

M. aledom...a kingdom of beer...I know of few of its residents!

Nancy Devine said...

i love the new look...very open and spring-like.

Sandy Longhorn said...

Thanks, N. I thought so too. I'm in awe of those people who can do design like this.