53º with a faint layer of clouds, but a sufficient amount of sun
Well, I did manage to sift through the blog list. I'm getting better at moving on if something isn't grabbing my attention. I know it sounds weird, but being the type of person I am, I tended to try to read everything all the time. Slowly, I'm building my own filter and allowing myself to "mark all as read" and move on to the next blog. I have on my list blogs written by both individuals and by groups/organizations, and so far, I'm more attracted to the individuals. Hmm.
In any case, here's the catch of the day. I found a link to a journal new to me: la fovea. Once I clicked, I realized that this wasn't like any other journal I'd seen before. I don't think I can explain it any better than the editors do:
•Each nerve editor (found on the main page www.lafovea.org) is in charge of a nerve. The nerves are made up of poets who are invited to submit to La Fovea. Click on the editors name to see all the poets and poems in his or her nerve.
Navigating this journal is a great example of what online publishing has to offer.
very interesting literary magazine. thanks for posting it.
Nancy, thanks for stopping by. Glad you found the post/journal interesting.
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