Dear Reader, last month I boasted about receiving acceptances in every month of 2010 except July, and even as I wrote it my Midwestern fear of celebrating too loudly kicked in and I told myself to delete it. Perhaps I should have listened as it now appears, short of a minor miracle today or tomorrow, that November will pass without any good news to share.
Short a miracle, November will be known as the month of rejections big and small. This morning I recorded two journal rejections before turning to submit. I've been working with a stack of haphazard folders for the last couple of weeks, since I decided to make Mondays submission days. Turns out not to be such a good scheme for me. I checked my spreadsheet and picked a couple of journals that accept online submissions. I got the documents ready on the computer, and only then did I click on the websites, all ready to submit. Well, the first journal turned out to be only accepting poems for a themed issue. There is nothing on my spreadsheet about this journal and themed issues...alas. So, I went for journal number two. Revised the document to fit and went to their website to submit. Guess what? They've changed their reading periods.
In the past, when I've done submissions, I've tried to do them twice a month, and I spent a good part of the weekend doing them. I stack up all the poems that are available and I print out my spreadsheet. Then I highlight all the journals for which I think the poems will work. At that point, I actually go to each journal's website and see if they've made any changes (updating my spreadsheet at the same time). I usually have to set aside a handful of journals that have made changes, but I have a whole pile of others, so it's actually a relief. This seems to be a better system for me, but I'm glad I tried the Mondays as well.
Finally, I've written about Better World Books before, but I'd like to give them another shout-out today. I recently ordered some books and this time when the books arrived, they came with a surprise...FREE CHOCOLATE from Divine Chocolate...a fair trade chocolate company from Ghana. How cool is that? And the chocolate really was divine. So...for those who aren't aware, Better World Books is an online bookstore with a global mission to promote literacy far and wide. They sell new books, but they also buy and sell used books as well, including college textbooks! A portion of all profits go literacy projects worldwide. Oh, and they have free shipping or a carbon-offset option for shipping. Seriously, why are you still giving your money to either of the BIG BOX BOOKSTORES ONLINE, which is used for the lining of wealthy pockets instead of helping people out?